Brushing Rinse Travel Size (3oz) - The Healing Atelier
"The greatest medicine is teaching people how not to need it." - Hippocrates

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Brushing Rinse Travel Size (3oz)

SKU: MH00000128

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Brushing Rinse is better than toothpaste!


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Product Description

Essential Oxygen Brushing Rinse provides a better way to brush your teeth. It works AND it's clean. This amazing rinse, part organic toothpaste, part organic mouthwash, works for all oral issues including natural teeth whitening, gum pockets and receding gums, tooth sensitivity, bad breath, tartar, canker sores and toxic morning mouth, and does so without objectionable ingredients.

Additional information

Weight 3.7 oz
Dimensions 1.75 × 1.75 × 4.5 in

Supplement facts

Purified water
Organic aloe gel
1% food grade hydrogen peroxide

Organic essential oils:

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