Quinton Hypertonic (30) - The Healing Atelier
"The greatest medicine is teaching people how not to need it." - Hippocrates

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Quinton Hypertonic (30)

SKU: MH00000148

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Quinton Hypertonic™ is excellent for use when an immediate revitalizing effect is desired for the body or to support exertion with major physical or psychological effort.


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Product Description

Hypertonic is pure seawater harvested from protected plankton blooms following the protocols of Rene Quinton. Hypertonic is a good way to start your protocol if you are generally healthily. Many Hypertonic users report positive results switching to Isotonic after several months and back to Hypertonic occasionally to regulate their system.

Additional information

Weight 18.6 oz
Dimensions 4.5 × 4.0 × 3.5 in

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