Riboflavin - The Healing Atelier
"The greatest medicine is teaching people how not to need it." - Hippocrates

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SKU: MH00000142

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Riboflavin, supplied by Douglas Laboratories, provides 100 mg of riboflavin in each capsule.


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Product Description

As co-enzymes, the B vitamins are essential components in most major metabolic reactions. They play an important role in energy production, including the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins. B vitamins are also important for blood cells, hormones, and nervous system function. As water-soluble substances, B vitamins are not generally stored in the body in any appreciable amounts (with the exception of vitamin B-12). Therefore, the body needs an adequate supply of B vitamins on a daily basis.

Riboflavin is an essential coenzyme in energy production. It is a component of the coenzymes FAD and FMN, which are intermediates in many redox reactions, including energy production and cellular respiration reactions

Additional information

Weight 1.5 oz
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × 3 in

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